Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Accentuated Misery

Recently the UNESCO Atlas of World Languages in Danger found that 196 Indian languages are facing extinction. Yes but fikar not because where we lose languages and heritage a growing section of people have decided to evolve new accents which sound so strange that they may soon be given the status of a new language so really its all good.

We all know the endless sardar jokes, gujju jokes, mallu jokes tambram jokes and miscellaneous other accent jokes. But these accents are natural and not forced. Methinks there are not enough jokes on the deliberately cultivated accents.

1. South Bombay Accent

Girl wearing goggles in the rain at bus-stop: Hey darrril lets watch that ajab ghajab one yaaaaa
Guy with pants falling off: No yaaaaaa me and kunaaal have band practice
Girl: oaww freeeeek dooood so jammin and alll nooo
Guy bobbing his head (cool): Yaaaa man nirvaaaaaanaa

This accent comes with a twang so nasal that five minutes of it makes you want to stuff Vicks down their throats. And of course grammatical errors don't count because hey she was "talking at him" in the accent. It is so magical that it has the ability to make even Hindi sound like a foreign language. The worst of it is that these fakers make fun of people who speak normally. You suck yaaaa

2. World accent (each word is pronounced in a different accent)

This accent afflicts the rich and glaaam people. Of course they've been to so many places that its a bit tedious to list them all so why not just incorporate the accents into their speech.

Actresses endorsing products:
a. Bikoooz ur worth it.
b. Like a phuuuurl its one of a kiiiiiiiind
c. Its not just a founn its who we aurrrrrr

This slavish sham superiority is laughable at best and disgusting at worst.


  1. hahahahahhahahaha

    I am just sssooooo happpyyy you have started blogging!

    Let the phun times begin!
